Thursday, February 16, 2006

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

As some of you may already been notified, the terrific literary blog Dancing on Fly Ash is back in operation. Micro fiction writers Matt Bell and Josh Mayday will be back in operation sporting a brand new site. I checked it out this morning and it looks terrific. I encourage all of you to do the same.

Matt and I worked on a collaborative project last year. Matt wrote a number of micro fictions inspired by some of my paintings. I have them posted on my web site as well as one "A Kind of Blue: In C," that can be found in the “Songs Out Of Sight” section. I also plan to repost all of them one at a time on my blog Luz as time permits. I am hopeful that Matt and I ( and Josh Mayday as well, if I can persuade him) will be doing more collaborative projects in the future. I was amazed (though not surprised) at the result from our initial project and look forward to the possibility of more.

Micro fiction, given my own minimalist aesthetic, seems to be a wonderful counterpart to some of the ideas that I explore. Reading Matt and Josh’s material has, from time to time, given me much to think about and I often find myself inspired by an insight that sparks an idea for my work. It reminds me of a somewhat similar inspiration when I was honored by Richard Cohen to be asked to use an image of one of my paintings as a cover for his wonderful book of short stories “Pronoun Music.” (If you haven’t read it, I encourage you to do so).

As many of you know, I am preparing to do a commissioned project in Chicago (eight very large-scale paintings) based on excerpts from the book “Chicago: A City On The Make” written by Nelson Algren. And I have also been in dialogue with author Stuart Dybek (“Coast of Chicago,” “Streets In Their Own Ink/Poetry”) about the possibility of doing a collaboration in the future.

So…having said all this…I invite you all to stay tuned for what hopes to be an interesting year. And of course, as always…I will try in earnest to keep up with everyone else’s blogs. Ah! Such a life. Aren’t we lucky!


Blogger MB said...

I'm looking forward to checking Dancing on Fly Ash out, based on your recommendation. It sounds like you have lots of things cooking - on several fronts - and I will be interested to hear what comes of it all in due time! Exciting stuff.

3:54 PM  
Blogger Falter Ego said...

I find your success encouraging and inspirational.

En Espanol: "Muy Bueno Mi Hermano!"

9:29 PM  
Blogger Richard Lawrence Cohen said...

The new Fly Ash looks great, and I'll be in the eager audience when the first new posts are put up on Monday.

Thanks for the link and the plug, Dan.

9:48 AM  
Blogger Lhombre said...

azulejo: I think you will be in for a real treat. These guys can come out smokin'

falter ego: Thanks amigo. The choices you have been making are just as inspirational for me. Be Cool!

Richard: Thanks for the honor to grace the cover of your book! But like all things wondrous, it's what's inside that counts. I will always feel that "Pronoun Music" is the symphony that words aspire toward. Just as Kandinsky felt that abstract painting aspired toward music.

4:29 PM  
Blogger Jean said...

Vous avez beaucoup de chance de faire ce que vous aimez et de travailler avec d'autres artistes !

11:39 AM  
Blogger Jean said...

You have much chance to do what you like and to work with other artists!

11:41 AM  
Blogger Anonymous Poet said...

Yay! Thanks for the information!!

9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it

7:40 AM  

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